About Us

Brasilanda is a website for the dissemination of self-employed entrepreneurs in the Brazilian community in The Netherlands, we have the mission to connect, unite and strengthen people, in addition our mission is also to disseminate and give visibility to your work.

A Brazilian digital environment focused on Brazilians, but where everyone is welcome and can enjoy our platform. A platform where you can promote your work and stand out in the Brazilian community in The Netherlands.

Brasilanda will help with your dissemination, connecting companies and customers, in addition to the website where the customer will be able to find you, we will have posts and interviews on social networks encouraging engagement in your networks and consequently generating more customers for your business.

A website that will help you find the workmanship you need, whether to build or clean your house, make your website or make drumsticks, do your nails, eyebrows or waxing, etc. An environment full of strong, hardworking people with inspiring stories.

Our vision

We have a mission on this earth, life is not only what you will achieve, but also what you will leave, Brasilanda's mission is to connect, unite and strengthen Brazilians, who have the vision of not only achieving something, but also leave something, do and leave an inspiring story, motivate and inspire people to follow their paths and be authors of their own stories, always thinking not only about what they will achieve, but also never forgetting what legacy to leave.

A platform where you will find the workforce you need, have contact and Brazilian culture close by. A community that supports, motivates and encourages its colleague and fellow countryman.

Those who walk alone may even arrive faster, but those who go together will certainly go far.

The glow is in you

Brasilanda is for those who are the author of their own history, who think not only about what to achieve, but also about what to leave, people who like to help and who are committed to the truth, and have the characteristics of a brilliant champion :

B (Brilliant)

Champion has its own light, several champions together the light shines.

R (Respected)

Every champion respects and is respected.

A (Blessed)

It's not luck, it's hard work and God bless.

S (Dreamer)

To achieve it is necessary to dream.

I (Inspiration)

Whatever you do, there is always someone who inspires you.

L (Legacy)

Because life is not only what you have to achieve, but also what you have to leave behind.

Our ambassadors

We proudly present our loyal ambassadors. 

Have you ever felt like you were fighting alone?

We will support you



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